manufacturing data blog

What is a manufacturing data hub?

Manufacturing data hubs are gaining traction in the industry as a new solution for unifying, standardizing, and orchestrating plant and operational data. But what is a manufacturing data hub? And how do you identify one?

Rhize Introduces First ISA-95 Standardized Manufacturing Data Hub

Rhize announced the launch of the world’s first real-time, event-driven, manufacturing data hub standardized in the ISA-95 framework.

Is ISA-95 Relevant? Reframing Perspective on ISA-95

This article reframes the debate around ISA-95 and explores how the right architecture enables a viable application of the standard.

What Is a Manufacturing Knowledge Graph? Data Hubs, MES & ISA-95

What Is a Manufacturing Knowledge Graph? Data Hubs, MES & ISA-95 Meta Description: Knowledge graphs are transforming how manufacturers approach data infrastructure. We break down how they work and explore their advantages.

MES is Dead! Long Live MES

This article, by Spruik Co-Founder Geoff Nunan, was posted in the Pulse on LinkedIn in August, 2018. It is even more relevant today than it was a year ago. We continue to see manufacturers struggle to implement COTS MES platforms and the myth of “out of the box” functionality is being pushed harder than ever.